Past Mismanagement by year

2023-2024 Mismanagement

Grand Master - Fjord Sexplorer

Joint Masters - UpperCunt & F5

Hare Raiser - Straight in the Navy

On-Sec - Saigon Sally and 3 Licks

Hash Cash - Preteen Protein

Religious Advisors - Bumspringa

Haberdasher - Uppercunt

Beermeister - Bumspringa

Webmeister - Straight in the Navy

2022-2023 Mismanagement

Grand Master - The Whore of Sarajevo

Joint Masters - Fjord Sexplorer

Hare Raiser - Straight in the Navy

On-Sec - Saigon Sally and 3 Licks

Hash Cash - Knocked Up

Religious Advisors - Bumspringa

Haberdasher - Uppercunt

Beermeister - F5

Webmeister - Straight in the Navy

2021-2022 Mismanagement

Grand Master - Fjord Sexplorer

Joint Masters - Fjord Sexplorer & The Whore of Sarajevo

Hare Raiser - Straight in the Navy

On-Sec - Narcolingus

Hash Cash - Knocked Up

Religious Advisors - Bumspringa

Haberdasher - Pebbles for Pussy

Beermeister - Bumspringa

Webmeister - Straight in the Navy

2020-2021 Mismanagement

Grand Master - Hot Tub Slime Machine & Cock-A-Thong

Joint Masters - Fjord Sexplorer & Camo Sutra

Hare Raiser - Straight in the Navy

On-Sec - Narcolingus

Hash Cash - Preteen Protein

Religious Advisors - Bumspringa

Scribe - Fire in the Hole

Haberdasher - Pebbles for Pussy

Beermeister - Knocked Up

Webmeister - Straight in the Navy

2019-2020 Mismanagement

Grand Master - Whales Vagina & Screws Everybody

Joint Masters - Hot Tub Slime Machine & Cock-A-Thong

Hare Raiser - Grinding Nemo

On-Sec - Hump, Forest, Hump

Hash Cash - Preteen Protein

Religious Advisors - Bumspringa & Narcolingus

Scribe - Fjord Sexplorer & Straight in the Navy

Haberdasher - Pebbles for Pussy

Beermeister - Knocked Up

Webmeister - Straight in the Navy

2018-2019 Mismanagement

Grand Master - Ole Yell Her & Slumber Jack

Joint Masters - Whales Vagina & Screws Everybody

Hare Raiser - French Toasted

On-Sec - Hump, Forest, Hump

Hash Cash - Hot Tub Slime Machine

Religious Advisors - Bumspringa & Rosary Bleeds

Scribe - F. Squid & Can’t Talk With My Mouthful

Haberdasher - Pebbles for Pussy & Grinding Nemo

Beermeister - Cock-A-Thong

Webmeister - Straight in the Navy

2017-2018 Mismanagement

Grand Master - Queen of the Jungle & Stump Happens

Joint Masters - Ole Yell Her & Slumber Jack

Hare Raiser - Hunt for Head October & Deaf Lesbian

On-Sec - Whale's Vagina

Hash Cash - Assfixiation

Religious Advisors - Bumspringa & The Whore Of Sarajevo

Scribe - Dr. Cockulus & F. Squid

Haberdasher - Cum Brew Lay

Beermeister - Hunt for Head October

Webmeister - Straight in the Navy

2016-2017 Mismanagement

Grand Master - Straight in the Navy & Wookin Pa Nub

Joint Masters - Queen of the Jungle & Stump Happens

Hare Raiser - Deaf Lesbian

On-Sec - Cum Brew Lay

Hash Cash - Ole Yell Her

Religious Advisors - I Cunt Hear You & Bumspringa

Scribe - Dr. Cockulus & Hunt for Head October

Haberdasher - Stump Happens & Slumber Jack

Webmeister - Straight in the Navy

2015-2016 Mismanagement

Grand Master - Saigon Sally & Sorest Rump

Joint Masters - Straight in the Navy & Wookin Pa Nub

Hare Raiser - Deaf Lesbian

On-Sec - Cum Brew Lay

Hash Cash- Queen of the Jungle

Religious Advisors - Justin Beaver

Scribe - F. Squid

Haberdasher - Stump Happens & Slumber Jack

Webmeister - Straight in the Navy

2014-2015 Mismanagement

Grand Master - Camo Sutra & Vagina Repellant

Joint Masters - Saigon Sally & Sorest Rump

Hare Raiser - Friends Don't Let Friends Fuck Fat Chicks

On-Sec - Fister Roboto

Hash Cash- Stump Happens

Religious Advisors - Justin Beaver & THA,NG!

Scribe - Queen of the Jungle

Subscribe - F. Squid

Haberdasher - Straight in the Navy

Hash Flash - Deaf, Dumb, and Wine

Webmeister - Harddrive

2013-2014 Mismanagement

Grand Master - Pebbles for Pussy and G.T.O.

Joint Masters - Camo Sutra & Vagina Repellant

Hare Raiser - Sorest Rump

On-Sec - Pebbles for Pussy

Hash Cash - Tampon-On

Religious Advisors - Penis de Gallo, Grinding Nemo & Just in Beaver

Scribe - Slippery When Wet

Subscribe - Dude, that Guy

Haberdasher - Kaptain Jack Swallows

Hash Flash - Saigon Sally

Webmeister - Harddrive

2012-2013 Mismanagement

Grand Master - Grinding Nemo

Joint Masters - Pebbles for Pussy and G.T.O.

Hare Master - French Toasted

Hare Raiser - Gutter Balls

On-Sec - Pebbles for Pussy

Hash Cash - Pounding My Privates

Religious Advisors - Whale's Vagina & Vagina Repellent

Scribe - Saigon Sally

Subscribe - Pebbles for Pussy

Haberdasher - Pole Her Express

Songmeister - Osama Bin Hashing

Hash Flash - Saigon Sally

Webmeister - Harddrive